Call: 0437 813 377


Having Problems?

Senpsychology is dedicated to helping you address issues related to depression, anxiety, non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, trauma, and other mental health issues.

We believe in supporting you through times of distress with empathy, care, and compassion. Empowering you with knowledge and the abilities to overcome and rise above your challenges. While, nurturing you to create the life and relationships you want to have.

female psychologist with clipboard explaining services offered


Therapies & Treatments

Individual Counselling

We can help with anxiety, depression, trauma, substance abuse/dependence, loss and grief, abuse, PTSD, suicidal ideation and self harm.

Start here

Book an appointment to start your journey to wellness.
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Family Counselling

Support in managing and addressing all interpersonal and family issues, including blended and FIFO families.

Registered preferred provider with the department of child protection and family support.

Healing together

Begin the process to heal your family.
Make a Booking


Psychological First Aid

Locally preferred EAP provider with capabilities to provide onsite critical incident stress debriefing with ongoing off-site employee support.

Please contact us for more information.

Get things back on track at work

Click on the button below to find out more.

Youth Support Group

A small (5-6 persons) support group specially designed for those who have attended individual counselling and would like ongoing support.

Join the Group

Work through issues with others you can relate to
Book your Appointment

Relationship Counselling

Many relationships go through turbulent times and need support to navigate through these.

If your relationship is struggling we can help you to see clarity and address the issues.

Let's get together

Make an appointment to get started.
Book Now

Youth Counselling

Expertise in helping young people with anxiety, depression, NSSI and suicidal ideation, emotional dysregulation, bullying, school refusal, body image and LGBTQI+ issues.

We are here for you

Let us help you achieve your wellbeing.
Make a Booking

Disability Support

Counselling for those with intellectual and cognitive processing difficulties.

Get support

We can help you to cope.
Book your Appointment

Veteran's Support

We help former / current military and emergency services personnel to manage PTSD and other mental health issues.

Get Support with Understanding

Our experience with treating veterans provides the best path to being well.
Make an Appointment

Don’t delay, book a consultation!

Call: 0437 813 377

Don’t delay, book a consultation!

Call: 0437 813 377


All our meetings are confidential and your information is protected.


We guarantee our professional services.
We only offer the best service for our clients.

Senpsychology logo white


We have much experience in private practice, working with people who have problems.


Our professional skills use the latest in psychology research & best practice.


You can depend on our professional support. Call us to make your appointment now.